Monday, February 9, 2009

60. Mint Sauce

Date Cooked: January 25, 2009
Page: 496
Rating: A

This was one of two sauces created for a roast leg of lamb that I had cooked for a Sunday dinner. This sauce was amazing! It tops any gross mint jelly or other mint concoction I’ve ever been served with lamb. To be honest I was never a fan of mint and lamb until this sauce came along.

The sauce is easy to prepare. White wine vinegar and sugar were reduced and then fresh minced mint was added. Simple and totally delicious! With so few ingredients though, the quality of the vinegar and freshness of the mint matter.

Rating: A. I might make this for all kinds of dishes! It was tangy and carried the mint flavor without being overpowering to the lamb.


  1. I've only tried a mint sauce once, and I wasn't a huge fan. I should try this and see if it changes my mind!

  2. Looking forward to the lamb post!


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